Emergency Handbook
PB Cosmetology Education Centre is committed to the safety and security of students, staff, and visitors on its campus. In order to support that commitment, PB maintains a School Emergency Response Plan. The policy is for the purpose of emergency prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery procedures relevant to natural and human-caused disasters. This plan is in cooperation with local and federal authorities.
Emergency Notification
Students and staff members will be notified via phone or text message of significant emergency situations that require the school to be closed for the day, evening, or an extended period of time. A status message will also be posted to the school’s Facebook page.
In the event of a significant emergency situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of student or staff, PB Cosmetology Centre will make every effort to notify all parties within 30 minutes of the determination. In an effort to ensure the timeliness of notification to students and staff of a significant emergency situation, personal contact information changes should be communicated to the Student Services Advisor as soon as possible.
In the event of a medical emergency contact the local authorities by calling 911. The Director or a designee will assign a staff member to remain with the sick or injured and assign a second staff person to meet with medics to lead them to the injured or sick person.
Take any bomb threat seriously. If you receive a written bomb threat, do not handle it more than necessary and place it in an envelope to preserve any fingerprints. The Director will notify local authorities.
If you receive a telephoned threat, you should notify another person if possible by writing a note, indicating the call is a bomb threat. The other person can inform the local authorities. Note the exact time of the call and attempt to write the exact words of the caller. Get as much information as possible by asking when the bomb will explode, what type of bomb it is, and where it is located. Give all the information to the police when they arrive. If evacuation is needed please follow guidelines for emergency evacuation.
Due to a serious weather-related condition, the building will be closed to staff and students. A recorded message is put on the school’s voice mail and can be accessed by calling (856) 456-4927. In addition, weather-related closures are posted on the school’s Facebook page. Our school also utilizes a text messaging alert system that students may opt-in to be notified via text about weather-related delays or closures.
When there is a fire the fire alarm will sound and immediate evacuation of the building will occur. All classrooms and office have an emergency evacuation route posted on the wall. All parties will be instructed to meet behind the fence on Monmouth Street. Re-entry of the building will only be granted with permission of the Fire Department.
When there is a threat of violence or serious incident that could jeopardize the safety of students, staff and/or guest, the Director or an Administrator will initiate the lock down procedure. Students, staff, and guests will be directed to return to the nearest classroom or office and lock the doors. Alarms for evacuation or bells should be ignored unless otherwise advised. The Director will contact local authorities.
Panic buttons are located strategically throughout the building for staff use. In the event of a lock down, the panic button will silently and immediately notify the Police Department.
In the event of an emergency evacuation, an administrator will announce over the public address system that all occupants should exit the building via the nearest exit and instruct all to meet at a designated area outside of the building.
Designated Areas:
- Junior Cosmo/ Skin students: Monmouth Street behind the fence.
- Senior Cosmo students/Nail Students: King Street in front of the building.
- Administrators will exit the building after they have ensured that the building has successfully evacuated by all students, guests, and staff.
- Students and staff will be notified of an emergency situation that requires the school to be closed for the day, evening, and or extended periods of time.
The doors to the building will remain unlocked during regular business hours. In order to provide a safe environment, students have a duty to warn PB staff of any violations of company policies, rules and regulations, laws and/or to advise staff of any threat to the occupants of the building or company-owned property. Timely warnings in a case of imminent danger will not constitute a violation of FERPA as allowed under the Campus Security/Crime Act.
- KNOW the established emergency procedures for our building and work area.
- KNOW the hazards of materials or equipment in your building, office, or classroom.
- KNOW the means of egress in our area.
- KNOW the locations of the fire alarm pull stations.
- KNOW the locations of portable fire extinguishers and how to use them.
- KNOW the location of the nearest first-aid kit.
- STAFF MEMBERS SHOULD KNOW the location of the nearest panic button.
The building is equipped with fire safety equipment including fire extinguishers and fire alarms and smoke detectors. The building is also equipped with a security camera system, alarm system, and panic buttons.
In an effort to provide a safe and protective environment, PB students and staff are encouraged to educate themselves on basic safety and crime prevention practices.